Tips #3

Where am I?

OK. It rains so water flows to the drain and/ or to the street, but have you ever wondered where the storm water actually goes?  There are many websites out there to show you where is your nearest channel, creek, and lakes.  Here are a few examples of sites that are really helpful.  The information you gather here can also help you fill out the question “Nearest Water Bodies?” on your Notice of Intent (NOI) and writing your SWPPP. 

Here are a few links you can use to help you locate your nearest water bodies.

·         EPA:

·         LA DPW Storm Drain System:

·         USGS:

·         CA State Water Boards:  HUC 10 Watershed Map download from

Use the following userID and password to log on and access the GIS files:

-          UserID:  GIS_Shared

-          Password:  GIS_Download

Google earth layer is titled impaired5132015_MapToKML.kmz.  Click on the file name to download.  Use Google earth and import the kmz file.

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