Storm Water Multiple Application and Report Tracking System (SMARTS) is a State Water Boards online system.

Steps to get NOI permitted on SMARTs:

  1. Decide who will be the Legal Responsible Person (LRP), Duly Authorized Representatives (DARs), and Data Entry Persons(DEPs)
  2. Create a SMARTs account following instruction on page 5 of State Water Resources Control Boards SMARTs Guide (**Important Note!**:  Remember to physically mail in your E-authorization Form, if you don’t anything you certify on SMARTs will be returned)
  3. Certify and Submit your NOI on SMARTs following page 20 of the SMARTs Guide 
  4. Part of the NOI is to submit a SWPPP and a Site Map (Site Map must be uploaded separately from the SWPPP) follow page 18 of the SMARTs Guide
  5. Mail in $1,632 check to the Water Boards with the SMARTs fee Statement or pay online.

Applying for NEC

No Exposure Certification (NEC) follow page 26 of the SMARTs Guide
Tip #1:  Remember you can switch from an NOI to NEC by clicking the APPLY FOR NEC button on the bottom right if you currently have an NOI.

Tip #2:  The question on the Facility Infor Tab “Total Area of Industrial Activities and Materials Exposed to Storm Water?”.  You must answer “0” for SMARTs to understand you are eligible for NEC.

Uploading Sampling Data (AdHoc Report) and an Annual Reports

Instruction on uploading Sampling Data (AdHoc Report)
Instruction on uploading Annual Reports

Other SMARTs Helpful Links

Change of Information (COI) – How to change of address with COI
Notice of Termination (NOT) – When your site is close
Replacing a LRP
Finding your E-Authorization Form