IGP Management

Professional. Reliable. Affordable.

Personalized Industrial General Permit (IGP) Management service for your company’s Storm Water Compliance needs with an assigned specialist to meet all your needs, coordinate your lab sample result, and manage your SMARTs account.

Prepare Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)

The sections covers everything right from delivering IGP compliance SWPPP with on-site evaluation, BMPs evaluation, Monitoring Implementation Plan, Site Map, SWPPP revision. Not only this, we have taken a next step to customize Inspection Form to meet your facility needs.

No Exposure Certification (NEC)

Provide on-site NEC evaluation and solution to ensure the NEC requirements have been met. This is truly important and we make sure everything is conducted smoothly.

Permitting & SMARTs Management

File Notice of Intent (NOI) or No Exposure Certification (NEC) with our SMARTs Specialist.    Service includes SMARTs data entry for AdHoc Report (Lab Report), and Annual Report.

Non-Compliance & Violation Response

Give your local agency, State/ Regional Water Boards, and EPA inspector a professional corrective action response to their inspection.



IGP Implementation

Revolutionize the way your company implements the IGP thru training, storm water sample data analysis, and quarterly/ annual evaluation. Coordinating and implementing the IGP with a single contact so you can perform quick corrective action. This is truly important when it comes to storm water management and we have left no stone unturned to guide you effectively.


You can grow your team and boost your storm water knowledge with this innovative training, and the best part is that rather than focusing on cookie cutter solution, you can also learn how to lower the cost with our Storm Water Team Training required by the IGP.  

Inspection and Observation

This section covers everything about performing audit and managing Monthly BMPs Inspection with our experienced QISP. Our professional team ensures that everything is handled in an appropriate manner.

Sampling & Lab Analysis

Don’t hesitate to coordinate with your chosen EPA Certified Laboratories (ELAP) within your area to deliver a quicker and cost effective way on Storm Water Analysis. Learn from the PROs and start providing the best services possible.

Annual Comprehensive Evaluation

Annual inspection and reviewing your facility and getting you ready for the next reporting year. We have tried the most innovative way to accomplish this and you will master the art in an effective way.



Level 1 & 2 Exceedance Response Action (ERA) Report

Right from potential pollutant source evaluation to BMPs evaluation, we are determined to find a cost effective solution in order to avoid exceedances with minimum BMPs evaluation, additional investigation, and sampling evaluation that can improve and lower exceedances.

Level 1 ERA Evaluation

QISP on-site evaluation by October 1st on all drainage areas to identify and evaluate potential pollutant sources and evaluate existing BMPs, advanced BMPs, and modification to the sampling procedure within the Monitoring Implementation Plan (MIP).

Level 1 ERA Report

A summary of the Level 1 Evaluation prepared and certified by a QISP on SMARTs by January 1st and includes all new or revised BMPs added to the SWPPP (SWPPP revision).

Level 2 ERA Action Plan

Identify and select from the IGP Level 2 demonstration 1) Industrial Activity BMPs Demonstration, 2) Non-Industrial Pollutant Source Demonstration, 3) Natural Background Pollutant Source Demonstration.  Including a schedule and a detailed description of the tasks required to complete the selected demonstration.

Level 2 Technical Report

Reports with detailed requirements on the selected demonstration.



Trainer of Record (ToR) QISP Training

This is one of a kind training designed to offer the most reliable hands on experience and turn you into a pro. This one-day in-person training is conducted by our state designated Trainer of Record (ToR) with hands on practical experiences on IGP compliance. We have tried to cover extensive range of topics which include but not limited to Case Studies, SWPPP, BMPs, Level 1 & 2 ERAs, Numeric Action Level (NAL), and Monitoring & Sampling.

Become a QISP

1. Register to take the QISP exam and pay the $475 fee with California State University, Sacramento Office of Water Programs (OWP) website

2. Complete approximate 16 hours of online training(videos and quizzes)

- Introduction

- Three Module

- Comprehensive Summary

3. Pass a midterm exam

-35 questions 2 hours

- Passing grade 70% or higher

- 2 attempts allowed

4. Complete a one-day in-person training (~8 hours)

5. Pass the final exam

            - 70 questions 4 hours

                        - 25 questions (Site scenarios)

                        - 25 questions (Site scenarios)

                        - 5 questions (Analytical Lab Report)

                        - 15 questions (Regulations)

            - Passing grade 70% or higher

            - 2 attempts allowed